Well, I left of last time awaiting the outcome of elections, and I’m happy to say that the GOP was shown the way OUT. Being from the west and much more liberal than many of my fellow Virginians, I don’t often feel very connected with the majority around here, but I am very proud to be known as a Virginian these days. Hopefully we can start to undo some of the damage caused in the last six years.
On to lighter topics…the visit with my family was amazing. We had such a great time. There were four generations of Rasmussen women in the same room and it was very cool. My grandma, world traveler at the tender age of 89, is my hero. I’m so lucky that she came all the way from Washington. I loved watching my mom, dad, brothers, and Grandma hold my baby girl. It was also very cool to see Alex continue building his relationship with my family.
My in-laws are next. They arrive tomorrow and will spend Thanksgiving with us and be here for Alex’s fifth birthday. Man oh man, does having a five year old make ME sound old or what? I just had a birthday also, so that probably has something to do with it. I don’t have the energy to go all morose right now, though. A good friend of mine is in the hospital tonight with her baby girl, a week older than Greta, she will be fine, just getting over a bad respiratory infection, but it reminded me to be thankful for heath. It’s very easy to take that one for granted.
I haven’t had a chance to figure out how to link Acrobat files, thus no fiction to share as of yet, but once I’m done with the semester in a couple of weeks I’ll try to play around a bit more.