Thursday, December 18, 2008

As promised (threatened,) POETRY! It comes with the disclaimer that the most important thing I learned in poetry class this semester is that I'm not a poet. However, I also learned that writing poetry is fun and, well, fun. There are no rules, people! you don't have to use punctuation capitalization prahper spelling you get to make it all up, and it doesn't have to be good to make you feel better.

Incline Terrace

We’re lying
on the side of a hill
in the middle of a city.
One swatch of fresh mown
grass, one small park without a public.
Our inclined oasis. A playground on a fault line.
One rainy afternoon we hid here,
in the open, where no one
would look.
How fearless
we were on the swings,
aiming for those fat raindrops.
Across the street, we learned to play house.
And we claimed this park for dreams
and for watching the sun set.
But now, rather than march home against
the pull of gravity, we will leave behind this mountain of support
and venture into the vast blue together
despite the storm barreling this way.
Did we both see the grey on the horizon, or was it just me?
Either way, I’m glad I’m not alone.
Ahead, the open western sky,
More than the eye can hold without
Breaking the gaze.

A Mother’s Tale


We stood in a long line for that picture.
The kids smiled, unlike some of the others—
they screamed. We were lucky.

When we unpack the decorations
the pictures with Santa will smile up
from the bottom of the box.

Not the tantrum on the way out.
The threats that caused us all to shout
then pout and waste an afternoon.


There are moments,
warm and bright as early summer sunshine,
when it all feels natural as bare feet.

There are entire days,
bracketed by darkness on each end,
when I would give up anything,

even the buttery summer sun,
for the long drawn out peace of my own mind
at rest on the contour of a shadow.


Instincts fierce as any animal and
about as little reason.

Never enough patience, but a never-ending
supply of occasions to try again.

Complete disregard for personal appearance, which
helps when singing in public.

Guaranteed regrets, knowing too late that you had it
good…hard, but good.