Thursday, February 28, 2008

The dog ate my blog.

Or at least the time I'd spend writing it. That's my latest excuse anyway. I came up with it while adding to the collection of dog hair in the dust pan this afternoon.

I've been an essay writing fool this semester, so even though I haven't been a prolific poster I've been busy composing. However, I'll spare you all my fascinating insights on German national Identity and the ethics of public relations media. You're welcome.

I'm writing this post at the end of a late night writing session. Late night around here = 11:30 pm. Lame, but I do have a meet and greet appointment with Greta and Alex around 6:30 am and days with a one- and six-year-old require a well-reseted mama. I've been working on fleshing out an old story for my fiction writing workshop. For a week I've tossed the old piece around my head, trying to critically pull it apart, find my most typical flaws and at least fix those before passing it around to workshop. I had ideas, insights, but no actual flesh for the fleshing out until I was exercising today. I think it's Natalie Goldberg who recommended driving as a way to regain forward momentum in story. I can add walking to that list.

I've got spring break coming up in a few weeks. Then a visit from my sister, niece, and nephew, and a few weeks later a trip to SLC. With so many excuses to choose from I'll be able to leave the poor dog out of it.

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