- Get the computer.
- Take the computer to a spot by a heater vent.
- Check e-mail.
- No new e-mails? Check the Yahoo home page for interesting articles.
- No interesting articles? Log on to New York Times website. After all, there is a seriously failing economy out there. A war going on. Endless important topics to read about.
- Go to the Book Review page.
- Pick a book you wish you’d written and read the review.
- Follow the link for another author mentioned in the review because you like his name and want to see what else he’s written.
- Remember you were in the middle of a review and make your way back to said review.
- Follow the link to the university where the writer used to teach as it’s on the list of graduate programs to which you’ve applied.
- Repeat step nine.
- When you finish the review, look at the clock: voila! One hour spent not exercising (or writing, or cleaning house, etc.)
*Results may vary. It may take practice to reach a full hour. Keep trying, you’ll get there!