Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Waste an Hour*

  1. Get the computer.
  2. Take the computer to a spot by a heater vent.
  3. Check e-mail.
  4. No new e-mails? Check the Yahoo home page for interesting articles.
  5. No interesting articles? Log on to New York Times website. After all, there is a seriously failing economy out there. A war going on. Endless important topics to read about.
  6. Go to the Book Review page.
  7. Pick a book you wish you’d written and read the review.
  8. Follow the link for another author mentioned in the review because you like his name and want to see what else he’s written.
  9. Remember you were in the middle of a review and make your way back to said review.
  10. Follow the link to the university where the writer used to teach as it’s on the list of graduate programs to which you’ve applied.
  11. Repeat step nine.
  12. When you finish the review, look at the clock: voila! One hour spent not exercising (or writing, or cleaning house, etc.)
(Bonus 15 minutes: write a blog entry about how to waste an hour.)

*Results may vary. It may take practice to reach a full hour. Keep trying, you’ll get there!


dyvacreem said...

your comment to my post- the one about how i hate my life and i want to die- yeah, that one- was pretty brutal, coming from you anyway. was i the ungrateful bitch?? it seemed to be implied. but it's ok. you're right! i liked it. and you're the only one who comments on anything i have to say anyway. i love you girl.

dyvacreem said...

hey brigette. type up another post. i wanna know what's going on with you. really. let's hang out soon. xo