What? A new entry on this dusty, abandoned blog? ‘Tis true. Sorry for the absence. No excuse save finals. I’m happy to report that my hiatus paid off - another three A’s to add to the 4.0 and I brag only because it was a very close call this semester. I think my Italian grade came from the graces of my professoressa who I’d had for four semesters because it definitely wasn’t thanks to my test scores. So, thank you Professoressa Wallace, not just for the grade, but for two years of excellent foreign language classes. I’ve been at this school thing for a while and can attest to the rarity of truly inspiring teachers. Teachers, who not only impart knowledge, but excite their students as well. After a couple of years teaching yoga I decided to return to college to eventually become a teacher of literature and writing – my true passions. I only hope that I can live up to examples set by some of the great teachers I’ve had over the years like Mrs. Patterson, my third grade teacher who infected me with the writing bug years ago. Every week we wrote a poem in class and each week she’d pick one student’s poem and design a bulletin board around it. I will never forget that soaring feeling when I came into the room and saw my name next to my words on such a grand scale.
As is my usual semester break tradition, I’ve been book binging. I finished the newest Adrianna Trigiani novel and can’t say I’d recommend it. I only finished it because I was familiar with the characters from the previous novels. It seemed like a bunch of explication to me – no tension. Now I’m reading a novel called “Lost Hearts in Italy.” I love being able to understand the Italian phrases and it’s very well written – author is Andrea Lee. I’ll withhold a full endorsement until I’ve finished it. I haven’t been writing much because….because it’s hard, that’s why. And also because I’ve been pretty contented and busy. I spend my days playing with my kids. Greta is absolutely the most adorable, sweet-natured baby girl on the planet and that makes for one whopper of a distraction. I stuck a picture in so you'll see what I mean. I’ll get back into a rhythm. The same thing happened the year after I had Alex. It’s easy, especially for mothers, to get lost in a relationship with an infant. I’ll come out the other side, but in the meantime I’m going to enjoy being consumed because as I’ve found out with my 5-year-old, they become independent pretty fast. I do have a couple of stories to show for the last few months thanks to my writing class. One brand new and one reworked. They both need a little more attention. I do have a handful of stories that I am considering putting out there. I need to pick up a new copy of some market book and start sending. Rejection sucks, but so does sitting on work.
Va bene, basta!
(okay, enough!)
1 comment:
Let's light the candle with this blog, sista. Give us something. I knows you got something.
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