Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy Birthday to Greta! I can't believe my baby is one today. Last year has to be the fastest moving year on record. We had Jeremy's parents in town last week and it was a wonderful visit. Jeremy and David put a playset/fort up in the backyard and we had a small cook out with a few friend to celebrate Greta's birthday. Today Alex and I are going to take her to the play area at the mall and maybe let her pick out a toy from the store. Not that she needs anymore. We have toys and baby clothes coming out our ears. Anyone need a baby girl wardrobe?

As far as the writing bug goes, I think I've finally been infected again. I dusted off my notebook which has been oft neglected this last year and I've recommitted to crack it open once a day. I knew that this first year of Greta's life would take me away from writing - it did when Alex was born. Honestly, I was pretty content to get consumed by that Mom/Baby bond, but it's time to begin the separation process and let the writer piece of the pie get a bigger share of my time than the sliver it's had lately.

In addition to the notebook I've spent some time researching markets. I have two stories I think are ready and I'm going to send one out to all six and as I hear back I'll send the other out. I also found a market for my short short that I posted a while ago. I need to make it shorter (by quite a bit - at leas 100 words) and clear up a few muddy spots that were brought up in workshop. I'll post it tomorrow when I've finished.

1 comment:

Christian D. Leaf said...

Oops. Happy belated birthday to the wee Greta. We'll have to get the troops together soon for a soireƩ.